Face Painting
Face Painting
additional info
I am 19 and have been face painting for over 5 years. I run the business with help from my mom. I come from a large family and am really good with kids. I like to keep my rates low, to ensure that every child can have fun entertainment at their party. I come up with custom designs to match your party theme.
Site requirements
We arrive 15-20 minutes before your event starts. We bring our own set up and require a space in the shade a little bigger than a card table.
Service Delivery
We offer face painting for all different events. We cover the Inland Empire, High Desert, OC and LA county.
Name | Price | |
Face Painting | $75 | |
Our rates are $75 per hour with a 2 hour minumum |
Face Painting
Our rates are $75 per hour with a 2 hour minumum